ancient empires - Rome and Carthage, China in the Qin Dynasty, Ellada
period of active colonialist expansion ...Manage these giants was a
force of only a very remarkable person. "Honor and Valor 2" - a great
opportunity to try himself as a builder of the mighty state. Use any
means to achieve absolute power: not always for the welfare of his
country can only be achieved by force of arms. Not forgetting, of
course, while keeping a dozen or two legions "on the siding.

Windows XP SP2 or above
2.0 GHz processor or higher 1 GB or more of RAM Minimum 64 MB, 100% OpenGL 1.3 compatible video card Some ATI Radeon cards may not work with the game. Please download and try the video card compatibility test program to test your video card's compatibility before you purchase the game. 6.0 Gigabyte of uncompressed hard disk space Mouse, keyboard